Meditation and Devotion

3-10-2025 / Monday Meditation form Pastor BOb: SARAH
Sometimes, Sarah and Abraham’s story gets lost, misplaced, forgotten.  But God gets our attention with Abraham and Sarah. Two people leave home to make a life for themselves, and they somehow weirdly struck it rich. Two people too old to become parents become parents.  Abraham and Sarah help us believe in God.  We do not just believe because of God in our life, but because of others. God is in our lives, but also in the lives of people around us.

3-3-2025 Monday Meditation from Pastor Bob: ELIZABETH
Elizabeth was the childless mother of John the Baptist, whom Jesus called the greatest of human beings.  She was too old and yet God blessed her with a child who dedicated himself to God. God has a way of getting the right people for the right job at the right time. What is God asking you to do?

2-24-2025 Monday meditation from Pastor Bob: MOTHER OF SAMPSON
We do not know the mother of Samson’s name, but God called her to produce Samson.  God told her that she was to have a baby who would be called a Nazarite, one who separates himself from the world. When we think of Samson we think physically strong, mentally weak. He was gullible, hot-tempered and broke almost promise he made to God. He did one thing right. He fought against the Philistines, who were the main enemy of God’s people. So if you think yourself unworthy, remember you come from a long line of unworthy people that God has loved.

2/10/2025 Monday meditation from Pastor Bob:
Windows in the bible are strangely important. Important powerful women are shown standing behind a window, (2 Samuel 6:16; Judges 5:28-31; 2 Kings 9:30), watching, observing life but not being able to participate. Rahab uses a window to help the men of Israel to escape certain death. Faith is sometimes described as a window. Windows let us see things we would not able to see otherwise but can we use them. Can we use our windows as doorways to something we would not usually do?

2/3/2025 Monday meditation from Pastor Bob: As a sports fan, I know that the general managers, (The G.M,) makes about which players they want on their team. God makes a good GM. God chose Rahab to fulfill God’s promise to God’s people that God would provide land to them. Rahab was the answer to someone’s prayer. Because of Rahab, God’s yes was made possible. I believe God trusts us to make His yes to someone’s prayer happen for them. What prayer can you answer?