
On October 16, 1871 seven families, one young woman and ten young men met at the home of O.B. Anderson and adopted a constitution forming “The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Eksjo” (Oak Lake).

For the first five years families took turns hosting worship services in their homes. In 1878 the first church was built. It’s dimensions were 24 feet wide, 30 feet long and 12 feet high. At that time our congregation numbered 100 confirmed members and 150 children, and was being served by our first resident pastor, J.P. Mattson.

In 1879 a decision was made to build a parsonage just west of the church.

In 1884 the congregation voted to share a pastor with the newly-formed Strandvik congregation, and in 1885 the two congregations called P.P. Hedenstrom. At this time the church building was enlarged to accommodate the growing congregation. It’s length was extended by 10 feet, and 14-foot balcony was built.

Currently, Eksjo Lutheran Church is a member of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America).

More then 400 souls are buried in the Eksjo Lutheran Church cemetery. 

150th Anniversary Celebration story